
Appearances By Match Type

Match Type Event Role Performed As Outcome Team Entry Exit Eliminated Eliminated By
➡️Survivor Series Elimination Match (5)5 EventsParticipantThe Perfect Team, and 3 others
➡️Men's Royal Rumble Match (8)8 EventsParticipant
➡️Singles Match (13)13 EventsParticipant5 Wins
➡️Over the Top Rope Elimination Match (1)1 EventParticipant
➡️Battle Royal (5)5 EventsParticipantDemolition
➡️Elimination Match (2)2 EventsParticipant1 WinTeam Batman
➡️No Disqualification Match (1)1 EventParticipant
➡️Fatal 4-Way Match (1)1 EventParticipant
➡️Tag Team Match (9)9 EventsParticipant1 WinDemolition
➡️Men's Royal Rumble Match (Raw) (7)7 EventsParticipant1 Win
➡️King of the Ring First Round Match (1)1 EventParticipant1 Win
➡️King of the Ring Quarter-Final Match (1)1 EventParticipant
➡️Falls Count Anywhere Match (1)1 EventParticipant1 Win
➡️Triple Threat Match (1)1 EventParticipant
➡️Steel Cage Elimination Match (1)1 EventParticipant
➡️Time Limit Challenge (4)4 EventsParticipantDemolition
➡️MITB Battle Royal (2)2 EventsParticipant

Appearances By Other Performers

Performer Event Match Type Shared Team Outcome for Crush Was eliminated by Crush Eliminated Crush
➡️Andre the Giant (2)2 Events2 Match Types1 Elimination
➡️Animal (3)3 Events3 Match Types
➡️Ax (4)4 Events3 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Bam Bam Bigelow (8)8 Events4 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Barbarian (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Batman (17)17 Events5 Match Types1 Shared Team2 Defeats by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Berzerker (3)3 Events3 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Big Boss Man (21)21 Events8 Match Types1 Shared Team1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Big Show (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Billy (3)3 Events2 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Black (6)6 Events3 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush2 Eliminations
➡️Bob Backlund (3)3 Events1 Match Type
➡️Boss (10)10 Events5 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Bret Hart (9)9 Events3 Match Types
➡️Brian Knobbs (12)12 Events7 Match Types
➡️British Bulldog (15)15 Events4 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Brutus Beefcake (5)5 Events2 Match Types
➡️Buff Bagwell (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Butch (7)7 Events3 Match Types
➡️Curt (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Curt Hennig (16)16 Events6 Match Types1 Shared Team1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Death Eater (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Doink (4)4 Events3 Match Types1 Elimination
➡️Earthquake (10)10 Events4 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Egon Spengler (7)7 Events4 Match Types
➡️Forester (13)13 Events2 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️GI Joe (8)8 Events2 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Giant Gonzales (4)4 Events3 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Goldust (3)3 Events2 Match Types
➡️Greg Valentine (8)8 Events4 Match Types
➡️Hawk (3)3 Events3 Match Types
➡️Honky Tonk Man (3)3 Events2 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Hulk Hogan (19)19 Events6 Match Types2 Defeats by Crush1 Elimination
➡️IRS (4)4 Events3 Match Types
➡️Inferno (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️JBL (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Jacob Blu (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Jake Roberts (21)21 Events7 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination1 Elimination
➡️Jason (13)13 Events3 Match Types1 Shared Team1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Jerry Sags (12)12 Events7 Match Types
➡️Jim Duggan (6)6 Events5 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Jim Neidhart (17)17 Events8 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Jimmy Snuka (3)3 Events2 Match Types
➡️Kai (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Kamala (4)4 Events4 Match Types1 Shared Team1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Kane (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Karl Hennig (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Kevin Nash (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Koko B Ware (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Kurt Angle (1)1 Event1 Match Type1 Elimination
➡️Lex Luger (9)9 Events4 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Luke (7)7 Events3 Match Types
➡️Marty Jannetty (15)15 Events6 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Mick Foley (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Mountie (4)4 Events4 Match Types1 Shared Team1 Elimination
➡️Mr Hardcore (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Mysterious Mark (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Nailz (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Ninja (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Octoman (3)3 Events2 Match Types
➡️Official (3)3 Events2 Match Types
➡️Owen Hart (17)17 Events6 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Papa Shango (22)22 Events8 Match Types2 Defeats by Crush
➡️Peter Venkman (4)4 Events3 Match Types
➡️Quantum (5)5 Events2 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Radcliffe (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Randy Savage (15)15 Events5 Match Types2 Defeats by Crush2 Eliminations1 Elimination
➡️Reebot (11)11 Events2 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Ric Flair (6)6 Events1 Match Type1 Elimination1 Elimination
➡️Rick Martel (20)20 Events7 Match Types1 Elimination
➡️Rick Rude (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Rick Steiner (5)5 Events5 Match Types
➡️Ricky Steamboat (3)3 Events3 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Rikishi (3)3 Events2 Match Types
➡️Rob Van Dam (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Roddy Piper (10)10 Events5 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Samu (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Scott Hall (25)25 Events8 Match Types1 Shared Team1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination1 Elimination
➡️Scott Steiner (10)10 Events7 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Sgt Slaughter (10)10 Events4 Match Types1 Elimination
➡️Shawn Michaels (12)12 Events6 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Sid Vicious (15)15 Events4 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Skinner (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Smash (18)18 Events7 Match Types2 Shared Teams2 Defeats by Crush
➡️Spiderman (7)7 Events2 Match Types
➡️Steve Austin (3)3 Events1 Match Type
➡️Sting (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Storm (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Tatanka (3)3 Events2 Match Types
➡️Ted DiBiase (12)12 Events6 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Texas Tornado (3)3 Events3 Match Types
➡️Tito Santana (9)9 Events5 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Tommy (16)16 Events4 Match Types1 Shared Team1 Defeat by Crush2 Eliminations
➡️Triple H (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Typhoon (3)3 Events3 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush
➡️Ultimate Warrior (14)14 Events5 Match Types1 Shared Team1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Undertaker (19)19 Events8 Match Types2 Defeats by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Val Venis (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Vex (4)4 Events2 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush1 Elimination
➡️Vida (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Virgil (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Warlord (5)5 Events3 Match Types
➡️Yokozuna (10)10 Events5 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Zack (10)10 Events4 Match Types1 Defeat by Crush

Has Not Appeared Against In Singles Match (401 Performers)