Iron Sheik

Also Performs As

  • Col Mustafa

Appearances By Match Type

Match Type Event Role Performed As Outcome Team Entry Exit Eliminated Eliminated By
➡️Singles Match (1)1 EventParticipant
➡️Tag Team Match (2)2 EventsParticipant1 Win
➡️Survivor Series Elimination Match (2)2 EventsParticipantThe Mercenaries, and 1 other
➡️Men's Royal Rumble Match (2)2 EventsParticipant
➡️Battle Royal (4)4 EventsParticipant
➡️Fatal 4-Way Match (1)1 EventParticipant
➡️Steel Cage Battle Royal (1)1 EventParticipant

Appearances By Other Performers

Performer Event Match Type Shared Team Outcome for Iron Sheik Was eliminated by Iron Sheik Eliminated Iron Sheik
➡️AJ Styles (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Aiden English (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Al Snow (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Andre the Giant (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Barbarian (2)2 Events2 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Batista (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Berzerker (2)2 Events2 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Big Boss Man (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Big E (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Big Show (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Billy Gunn (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Billy Kidman (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Booker T (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Bray Wyatt (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Bret Hart (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Brian Kendrick (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️British Bulldog (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Brock Lesnar (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Brutus Beefcake (4)4 Events3 Match Types1 Defeat by Iron Sheik
➡️Buff Bagwell (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Butch (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️CM Punk (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Cesaro (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Chris Jericho (2)2 Events2 Match Types1 Elimination
➡️Christian Cage (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Cody Rhodes (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Curt Hennig (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️DDP (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Dallas Page (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Daniel Bryan (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Dean Ambrose (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Devon Dudley (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Doink (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Dolph Ziggler (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Droz (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Dusty Rhodes (4)4 Events2 Match Types
➡️Eddie Guerrero (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Edge (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️El Torito (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Erick Rowan (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Fandango (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Finn Balor (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️George Steele (4)4 Events2 Match Types
➡️Goldberg (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Goldust (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Greg Valentine (5)5 Events3 Match Types
➡️Honky Tonk Man (4)4 Events3 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Hulk Hogan (3)3 Events3 Match Types
➡️IRS (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Jake Roberts (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Jeff Hardy (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Jerry Lawler (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Jerry Sags (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Jim Duggan (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Jimmy Snuka (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Joey Mercury (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️John Cena (3)3 Events3 Match Types
➡️John Morrison (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Kane (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Kevin Nash (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Kevin Owens (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Kofi Kingston (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Koko B Ware (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Kris Kanyon (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Kurt Angle (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Lex Luger (3)3 Events1 Match Type
➡️Luke (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Luke Harper (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Matt Hardy (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Mick Foley (3)3 Events3 Match Types
➡️Mike Awesome (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Mountie (5)5 Events3 Match Types
➡️Mr Hardcore (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Mysterious Mark (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Neville (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Nick Aldis (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Nikolai Volkoff (6)6 Events4 Match Types1 Defeat by Iron Sheik
➡️One Man Gang (3)3 Events3 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Owen Hart (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Paul London (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Paul Orndorff (3)3 Events1 Match Type
➡️Randy Orton (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Randy Savage (1)1 Event1 Match Type1 Elimination
➡️Ric Flair (3)3 Events2 Match Types
➡️Rick Martel (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Rick Rude (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Ricky Steamboat (1)1 Event1 Match Type1 Defeat by Iron Sheik
➡️Road Dogg (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Rob Van Dam (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Roddy Piper (4)4 Events2 Match Types
➡️Roman Reigns (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Rusev (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Sami Zayn (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Samoa Joe (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Scott Hall (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Scott Steiner (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Seth Rollins (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Sgt Slaughter (6)6 Events4 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Shawn Michaels (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Sheamus (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Sid Vicious (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Simon Gotch (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Skinner (2)2 Events2 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Smash (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Sting (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Tatanka (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Ted DiBiase (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Texas Tornado (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️The Great Khali (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️The Miz (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️The Rock (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Tito Santana (3)3 Events2 Match Types
➡️Triple H (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Tyler Breeze (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Ultimate Warrior (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Undertaker (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Virgil (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Warlord (3)3 Events3 Match Types
➡️William Regal (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️X-Pac (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Xavier Woods (1)1 Event1 Match Type

Has Not Appeared Against In Singles Match (410 Performers)