
Appearances By Match Type

Match Type Event Role Performed As Outcome Team Entry Exit Eliminated Eliminated By
➡️Six Person Tag Team Match (2)2 EventsParticipant1 Win
➡️Fatal 4-Way Match (1)1 EventParticipant
➡️Battle Royal (5)5 EventsParticipant
➡️Survivor Series Elimination Match (2)2 EventsParticipantTeam Kommandant, and 1 other
➡️Elimination Match (1)1 EventParticipant
➡️Over the Top Rope Match (1)1 EventParticipantAgainst Us

Appearances By Other Performers

Performer Event Match Type Shared Team Outcome for Sniper Was eliminated by Sniper Eliminated Sniper
➡️Ace (5)5 Events4 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Cobra (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Comm (5)5 Events4 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Death Eater (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Deuce (1)1 Event1 Match Type1 Shared Team
➡️Domino (1)1 Event1 Match Type1 Shared Team
➡️Dr X (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Electro (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️First Aidrian (1)1 Event1 Match Type1 Shared Team
➡️GI Joe (5)5 Events3 Match Types
➡️Genie (3)3 Events1 Match Type
➡️Ghoul (2)2 Events2 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Hermit (3)3 Events2 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Hunter (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Interrogator (9)9 Events5 Match Types2 Shared Teams
➡️Jacob Blu (6)6 Events2 Match Types
➡️Kommandant (6)6 Events3 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Michael Chang (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Missile (5)5 Events2 Match Types1 Defeat by Sniper
➡️Nero (1)1 Event1 Match Type1 Shared Team
➡️Ninja (3)3 Events1 Match Type
➡️Octoman (7)7 Events4 Match Types1 Defeat by Sniper
➡️Official (2)2 Events2 Match Types
➡️Panther (1)1 Event1 Match Type1 Defeat by Sniper
➡️Radcliffe (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Reebot (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Reekon (11)11 Events5 Match Types1 Defeat by Sniper
➡️Sapper (3)3 Events1 Match Type
➡️Saracen (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Severus Snape (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Shadow (3)3 Events1 Match Type
➡️Sirius Black (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Skyhawk (6)6 Events3 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Stalker (5)5 Events3 Match Types1 Shared Team
➡️Stingray (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Tom Riddle (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Tommy Gee (2)2 Events1 Match Type
➡️Trojan (5)5 Events1 Match Type
➡️Warrior (1)1 Event1 Match Type
➡️Zap! (4)4 Events3 Match Types1 Defeat by Sniper
➡️Zebekiah (6)6 Events3 Match Types1 Shared Team

Has Not Appeared Against In Singles Match (411 Performers)